IDEA2023.1.3破解,IDEA破解,IDEA 2023.1破解,最新IDEA激活码


IDEA2023.1.3破解,IDEA破解,IDEA 2023.1破解,最新IDEA激活码

-- 函数、存储过程

select definer from mysql.proc;

update mysql.proc set definer=’billing@%’;

-- 定时事件

select DEFINER from mysql.EVENTS;

update mysql.EVENTS set definer=’billing@%’;


select DEFINER from information_schema.VIEWS;

select concat(“alter DEFINER=`root`@`%` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW “,TABLE_SCHEMA,”.”,TABLE_NAME,” as “,VIEW_DEFINITION,”;”) from information_schema.VIEWS where DEFINER<>’billing@%’;


select DEFINER from information_schema.TRIGGERS;

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /data/wangzhan/ on line 1154
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未经允许不得转载:搜云库技术团队 » mysql修改definer方法

IDEA2023.1.3破解,IDEA破解,IDEA 2023.1破解,最新IDEA激活码
IDEA2023.1.3破解,IDEA破解,IDEA 2023.1破解,最新IDEA激活码

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Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Cache directory not writable. Comet Cache needs this directory please: `/data/wangzhan/`. Set permissions to `755` or higher; `777` might be needed in some cases. in /data/wangzhan/ Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: WebSharks\CometCache\Classes\AdvancedCache->outputBufferCallbackHandler() #1 /data/wangzhan/ ob_end_flush() #2 /data/wangzhan/ wp_ob_end_flush_all() #3 /data/wangzhan/ WP_Hook->apply_filters() #4 /data/wangzhan/ WP_Hook->do_action() #5 /data/wangzhan/ do_action() #6 [internal function]: shutdown_action_hook() #7 {main} thrown in /data/wangzhan/ on line 367